New study of mothers living in the U. S/ shows high levels of glyphosate in breast milk

Newborn babyA new study by Moms Across America and Sustainable Press suggests that glyphosate may build up in people’s bodies over time. Researchers looked at levels of glyphosate in breast milk, and found that 30% of individuals sampled had high levels of glyphosate. The levels detectable in the breast milk of American women – up to 166 ug/l – are 1,600 times higher than what is allowable under the European Drinking Water Directive for individual pesticides. While these are lower than the maximum contaminant level for glyphosate in the US (700 ug/l), the levels are concerning as they may have a disproportionate negative effect on the developing immune system of babies. The study also examined glyphosate levels in urine samples and drinking water samples.   Last year, Friends of the Earth conducted a study examining traces of glyphosate in people living in European countries, and found glyphosate levels of up to 1. 82 ug/l. Moreover, this test found that samples from the United States were ten times higher than the European samples, with American women showing levels of up to 18. 8ug/l.   Water samples also raised concern, with levels of up to 0. 33 ug/l in U. S.  drinking water, well above the European maximum allowed for glyphosate in drinking water (0. 1 ug/l).