There is so much (in)credible science that explains why organic is a good choice for people and the planet, and more is published every week. The Organic Center summarizes the latest research into distilled bites so you can make informed choices. We only report on peer-reviewed studies and always will. Check out our research blog and sign up for our newsletter to get the latest science delivered right to your inbox.

Organic growers to get critical help in battling deadly disease

Contact: Maggie McNeil (; 202-403-8514 or 202-615-7997)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 8, 2014) – On any day, a...

The American Medical Association (AMA) adopted a resolution in June calling for the ban of antibiotics used in animal farming for growth promotion. This large-scale, inappropriate use of...

Photo Credit: Santiago Nicolau

A new study published in Evironmental Health Perspectives found that maternal exposure to pesticides can increase the risk of autism in...

A new report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that antibiotic-resistant resistance in bacteria is widespread around the world, presenting significant risk to human populations...

Photo Credit: Bob Peterson

Several studies have shown that organic farming is beneficial for bees, but a recent study published in Animal Conservation takes a new...

Photo Credit: Steven Lilley

Another study has come out linking the development and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to the use of antibiotics in conventional meat-...

Photo Credit: Matt MacGillivray

Tomatoes are well known for being a vegetable with high antioxidant capacity. They contain carotenoid pigments such as lycopene, associated...

Photo Credit: Rodney Campbell

A new article published in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment shows that organic farming could be beneficial for songbirds...

Photo Credit: USDA NRCS South Dakota

The Rodale Institute has done some amazing science supporting the benefits of organic agriculture, and its new report, entitled “...

Researchers at the International Agency for Research on Cancer recently published a study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health documenting three decades worth...
