Photo credit: Paul Toogood
The coral that makes up the Great Barrier Reef has been on the decline for decades due to a number of causes including sediment, fertilizer, and...
Photo credit: Paul Toogood
The coral that makes up the Great Barrier Reef has been on the decline for decades due to a number of causes including sediment, fertilizer, and...
Photo credit: William Warby
A study published this summer by researchers at the University of Guelph in the Journal of Animal Ecology reports that the use of herbicide-...
Photo credit: ConstructionDealMkting
A comprehensive report by Health Care Without Harm calls for a reconsideration of how we define healthy food. According to the report,...
Photo Credit: Calsidyrose
A new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience found that the Mississippi River is inundated by the amount of nitrogen runoff from farms,...
Photo Credit: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
A recent study by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has found that neonicotinoids are polluting streams...
Photo Credit: Santiago Nicolau
A new study published in Evironmental Health Perspectives found that maternal exposure to pesticides can increase the risk of autism in...
Photo Credit: Bob Peterson
Several studies have shown that organic farming is beneficial for bees, but a recent study published in Animal Conservation takes a new...
Photo Credit: Rodney Campbell
A new article published in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment shows that organic farming could be beneficial for songbirds...
Photo Credit: USDA NRCS South Dakota
The Rodale Institute has done some amazing science supporting the benefits of organic agriculture, and its new report, entitled “...
Photo Credit: Ingrid Taylar
A new study published in the Bulletin of Insectology by Harvard researchers found further evidence of the link between neonicotinoid use and...