Photo Credit: Karen Roe
In California’s Central valley, researchers have launched a project to support bee health. One of their approaches is to identify bee-friendly...
Photo Credit: Karen Roe
In California’s Central valley, researchers have launched a project to support bee health. One of their approaches is to identify bee-friendly...
Photo Credit: John Fowler
A new European study published in the Journal of Applied Ecology found that organic farms are able to support more species than conventional farms...
Photo Credit: Jennifer C.
A study out of Penn State and the University of Florida this year showed that pesticides may be killing honeybee larvae within their hives. The...
Photo Credit: Takoradee
A recent study out of China found high levels of pollutants such as DDT in the Pearl River Estuary. The estuary is located in the southern Chinese...
Photo Credit: Maciej Czyżewski
A recent study published in PLOS ONE shows that honeybee shortages may threaten the pollination of crops in Europe. In comparison with the...
Photo Caption: Peter Vanderheyden
A current research study examining Saskatchewan prairie wetlands is finding that pesticides are wreaking havoc on local ecosystems. The...
Photo Credit: Greenpeace China
A joint report between Resource Media and the National Wildlife Federation details the severe consequences of toxic algal blooms in the...
Photo Credit: William Warby
Researchers at the Xerces Society published a report this year detailing the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on beneficial insects such as...
Photo Credit: Richard Bartz
A recent article published in Scientific Reports details the harmful effects that agricultural pesticides can have on amphibians. Amphibians...
Photo Credit: Philippe Dermine
A new study published in PNAS warns that synthetic fertilizer use may have long-term consequences on environmental and human health....