There is so much (in)credible science that explains why organic is a good choice for people and the planet, and more is published every week. The Organic Center summarizes the latest research into distilled bites so you can make informed choices. We only report on peer-reviewed studies and always will. Check out our research blog and sign up for our newsletter to get the latest science delivered right to your inbox.

Photo Credit: Amber Sciligo

A growing body of scientific evidence continues to show that planting a diverse range of crops (polyculture) and incorporating natural habitat...

Photo Credit: Rodrigo Flores

Healthy soils have greater diversity of bacteria and fungi. Much like human gut health, greater diversity of microbes results in more efficient...

Photo Credit: Divide_by_zero

In an effort to ensure food is free from harmful pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses, food safety regulations have become increasingly...

Photo Credit: Alan Emery

Recent science shows that we are losing many important insects at an alarming rate all across the globe. Intensification of agriculture,...

Photo Credit: Jean Wimmerlin

Neonicotinoids are neurotoxic pesticides commonly used in conventional agriculture since the early 1990s. They are now known to contribute to...

Photo Credit: Ryan Kuesel

Some invasive pests are nearly impossible to control, even with the most powerful chemicals, but netting is proving to be a promising solution for...

Photo Credit: Ian Barbour

A recent study in Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems found that as many organic farmers rely on manure as a tool to manage soil fertility, they...

Photo Credit: Janice Gill

Insects can be really important and beneficial to crop production when they provide services such as pollination and help control other pest...

Photo Credit: Sveta Fedarava

At a time when unemployment threatens rural economies around the world, farms with more crop diversity offer more jobs. A recent study in the...

Photo Credit: Rodrigo Flores

Coffee is largely grown in regions where smallholder farmers face poverty, and climate change threatens devastation to their crops. A recent...
