Photo credit: Yale Rosen
A recent study published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine has found that the application of certain pesticides such as dicamba, atrazine...
Photo credit: Yale Rosen
A recent study published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine has found that the application of certain pesticides such as dicamba, atrazine...
Photo credit: Shinazy Shinazy
New research from Germany shows that organic mixed farming systems have higher energy efficiency than multiple other farming systems. The...
Photo credit: Chafer Machinery
Researchers at George Washington University published a paper examining the human health impacts of neonicotinoid pesticide exposure....
Photo Credit: Ana Ulin
A recent study published in Organic Agriculture investigated the quality of Capia peppers grown under conventional and organic management....
Photo credit: Alachua county
A recent study published in The Open Biochemistry Journal evaluated the incidence of exposure to organophosphate pesticides with neuro-...
When you buy organic, you're buying into a type of agriculture with many benefits. Here's the scoop on Soil Health. Organic: Supporting Soil Health...Photo credit: Maciej Lewandowski
Recent studies comparing the nutritional profile of organic and conventional milk have found that organic dairy products contain 50 percent...
Photo credit: Miki Yoshihito
A new study published in the journal Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis has found that high pesticide exposure events are associated with...
Photo credit: AJC1
Another study shows the benefits of organic production when it comes to controlling antibiotic- resistant bacteria. Research conducted at Ohio State...
Photo credit: Michele Tribe
A new study based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms the link between pesticide exposure and negative health effects....