Photo credit: USDA NRCS South Dakota
A study published in the journal Sustainable Agriculture Research supports previous findings that organic agricultural practices...
Photo credit: USDA NRCS South Dakota
A study published in the journal Sustainable Agriculture Research supports previous findings that organic agricultural practices...
Photo credit: Evan Bench
A recent study published in Organic Agriculture shows that some organic honey has natural antimicrobial activity that can combat the growth of...
Photo credit: Benketaro
A new study published in Organic Agriculture has found that peach and apple orchards grown under organic management have healthier soils, and plant...
Photo credit: NRCS
A recent study published in Agronomy for Sustainable Development has confirmed that organic farming is beneficial for soil organisms. The study compared...
Photo credit: Steve Jurvetson
A new report released by The Organic Center, which covers results from over 70 peer reviewed studies, demonstrates that organic farming has an...
Photo credit: muammerokumus
Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Research and Children's Health (CERCH), the University of...
Photo credit: Tony Fischer
A recent study published in the journal Landscape Ecology has found that using organic methods is more important in determining the amount of...
Photo credit: Stefano Lubiano
A recent study published in Animal Conservation found that there were more insect-flower interactions in organic vineyards when compared to...
Photo credit: Neil Palmer (CIAT)
A new study published in the Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology has found that the yields of organic crops are higher than...
Photo credit: nociveglia
In a recent study published in Agriculture Ecosystems and the Environment, scientists found that pollinator services to crops on organic farms...