The Organic Research Forum at the 2017 MOSES Conference (taking place Feb. 23-25) includes a poster session documenting completed and ongoing research projects related to organic agriculture....
The Organic Research Forum at the 2017 MOSES Conference (taking place Feb. 23-25) includes a poster session documenting completed and ongoing research projects related to organic agriculture....
Photo credit: Bour3
A new study published in the scientific journal Clinical Infectious Diseases has found evidence that antibiotic-resistant strain of the bacteria...
Photo credit: Vicky Brock
A recent large-scale study published in the journal Chemosphere found that soils in greenhouses used for organic vegetable production across China...
Photo credit: Wojtek Szkutnik
A new study published in Journal of Wine Economics compared experts rankings of over 70,000 California wines and found that wines certified as...
A study published in the Journal Scientia Horticulturae highlighted the increased global demand for organic tree fruits. The researchers looked at the total production area of organic tree fruit...
Photo Credit: Matthew
A new study published in Biological Control has found that beneficial predators and parasitoids are more effective at controlling agricultural pests...
Photo credit: Lucas Zallio
A recently published article in the scientific journal Nature Communications has found that contaminated pollen from wild plants near land...
Image credit: Friends of the Earth
A new report released by Friends of the Earth presents a strong argument in favor of organic and agroecological farming as tool to feed...
Dr. Kathleen Delate
Organic agriculture research has traditionally been underfunded leaving organic farmers with very few tools to address agronomic challenges compared to...
Photo credit: Joe Bunting
Plant breeding programs have traditionally been developed in response to the needs of large-scale industrial agriculture with a focus on yield...