Photo credit: Scott Woods-Fehr
A special report published last week by Reuters after a review of more than 300 internal documents found that the practice of treating...
Photo credit: Scott Woods-Fehr
A special report published last week by Reuters after a review of more than 300 internal documents found that the practice of treating...
Photo credit: NIAID
Workers exposed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria in an industrial hog operation in North Carolina were found to carry it with them for up to two weeks,...
Photo credit: Michael Newton
Widespread and indiscriminate feeding of antibiotics to livestock is commonplace in conventional farming systems, and has led to an increase in...
The American Medical Association (AMA) adopted a resolution in June calling for the ban of antibiotics used in animal farming for growth promotion. This large-scale, inappropriate use of...
A new report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that antibiotic-resistant resistance in bacteria is widespread around the world, presenting significant risk to human populations...
Photo Credit: Steven Lilley
Another study has come out linking the development and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to the use of antibiotics in conventional meat-...
Photo Credit: Evelyn Simak
A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine shows that antibiotic use on pig farms can lead to human infection with anti-biotic resistant...
A new report by the CDC details the threats of antibiotic resistant diseases on the public. One of the factors contributing to antibiotic resistance is the broad application of low doses of...
Photo Credit: Randy Heinitz
Researchers at The Roslin Institute at The University of Edinburgh recently found that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)...
Photo Credit: S. McGarnigle
Several strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria may have been caused by the large amount of antibiotic drugs given to chickens to control...