Photo credit: Scot Nelson

A new study published in Applied Soil Ecology has found large differences in soils and the soil microbial communities that they support. In a...

Photo credit: NRCS

The use of manure is often cited as the reason organically managed soils have higher soil health than conventionally managed soils, but research out of...

Photo credit: Randy Heinitz

The rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is commonly attributed to the overuse of antibiotics in livestock. Antibiotics are fed to livestock at...

Photo credit: NIAID

Workers exposed to antibiotic-resistant bacteria in an industrial hog operation in North Carolina were found to carry it with them for up to two weeks,...

Photo Credit: Derek Yu

Another reason to avoid meat and dairy products produced with antibiotics:  beneficial gut bacteria are critical for healthy immune systems. In fact...

A recent study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found antibiotic-resistant bacteria associated with industrial livestock workers, but not antibiotic-free...