Photo credit: Forsaken Fotos
For almost four decades, Rodale Institute has been running side-by-side trials to compare conventional and organic cropping systems. The most...
Photo credit: Forsaken Fotos
For almost four decades, Rodale Institute has been running side-by-side trials to compare conventional and organic cropping systems. The most...
Photo Credit: TumblingRun
Precise analysis of scientific articles isn’t always easy and almost never quick. Today’s media has much to report on and respond to, and...
Photo credit: Gaye Launder
Newly published research in PLOS ONE has used U.S. agricultural production data to confirm that the gap between organic and conventional...
A study published in the Journal Scientia Horticulturae highlighted the increased global demand for organic tree fruits. The researchers looked at the total production area of organic tree fruit...
Photo credit: akaitori
A new study published in the journal Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems has found that farms under organic soil management systems can produce...
Photo credit: Joe Bunting
Plant breeding programs have traditionally been developed in response to the needs of large-scale industrial agriculture with a focus on yield...
Photo Credit: Neil Palmer
A recent study shows that adopting organic farming techniques can improve farmers’ livelihoods, enhance food security, and reduce poverty in India...
Photo Credit: Nanao Wagatsuma
A study by Dr. Bender and Dr. Ingver at the Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute looked at how agricultural management affects yield and nutrient...
Photo Credit: David Baron
A team of European researchers has released a study examining the environmental benefits of organic dairy production. The researchers compared...
Photo Credit: Jeff Weese
In a study published in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, University of Canterbury researchers found that the...